
Welcome to Devonshire Green & Hanover Medical Centres

Changes to Hours from Thursday 3 April 2025

The practice has taken the decision to close Hanover Surgery on a Thursday afternoon, this will be from Thursday 3rd April 2025.

We will therefore open from 8.30am to 1.00pm.

The appointments we have offered on a Thursday afternoon will be moved to a Tuesday afternoon so that we do not reduce our appointments over the week.  Primary Care Sheffield (PCS) will provide telephone cover on behalf of the practice on a Thursday afternoon should have an urgent medical need.

Prescription, referral, and any other non-urgent requests should be made at other times of the week not on a Thursday afternoon.  If you usually order your medication on a Thursday, then please do this before 1.00pm and please allow 48 hours (2 working days) for your prescription to be processed.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this decision may cause, if you would like any further information, please call the surgery, and ask to speak to Deirdre Malesa, Practice Manager. 


Please note that from 6 January 2025 both Devonshire Green & Hanover Medical Centres will be closing Monday to Friday between 12.30 and 1.30pm. 

We value all our patients highly, and will try our hardest to provide the best care for you we possibly can.  We serve a very diverse and complex
practice population, and we look forward to helping you whatever your background or health needs.


When contacting the practice via telephone please note the following options:


Press Option 1 to order your prescription and leave a message

Press Option 2 to speak to the GP Secretaries about an existing hospital referral

Press Option 3 to speak to Reception team about results, to make an appointment  or anything other queries 


Please note all telephone calls with the practice are recorded for training and monitoring purposes.



The GP Patient Survey is an independent survey run by Ipsos MORI on behalf of NHS England.

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