We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. ALL appointments will be at Devonshire Green during this week.
Thank you.
The practice has taken the decision to close Hanover Surgery on a Thursday afternoon, this will be from Thursday 3rd April 2025.
We will therefore open from 8.30am to 1.00pm.
The appointments we have offered on a Thursday afternoon will be moved to a Tuesday afternoon so that we do not reduce our appointments over the week. Primary Care Sheffield (PCS) will provide telephone cover on behalf of the practice on a Thursday afternoon should have an urgent medical need.
Prescription, referral, and any other non-urgent requests should be made at other times of the week not on a Thursday afternoon. If you usually order your medication on a Thursday, then please do this before 1.00pm and please allow 48 hours (2 working days) for your prescription to be processed.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this decision may cause, if you would like any further information, please call the surgery, and ask to speak to Deirdre Malesa, Practice Manager who will be happy to discuss this with you.
Dear Patient
We are experiencing a significant increase in demand for appointments, queries and prescriptions. We apologise as this can lead to a delay in answering the telephone or being able to offer appointments and advice in a timely manner.
We are trying to improve access to the surgery for you with new ways of delivering services. Whilst trying to deal with each telephone request appropriately we are limited by the lack of government investment into general practice to meet some of the time demands.
Problems faced by all practices across England:
We are aware that patient satisfaction with the NHS is falling, with difficulty calling GP surgeries a particular problem (satisfaction down from 67.6% in 2021 to 48.8% in 2023).
We are trying our best to provide the service our patients need, but the current staffing and funding crisis felt across general practice in England is severely restricting what we can offer in the timescales NHS England suggests.
Thank you for your understanding.
We are still taking calls and our Hanover Surgery is open. All appointments are at Hanover.
Should you need assitance when the practice is closed, please telephone the surgery and the GP Collaborative will be able to help. Alternatively please call 111. Please do only call 999 in a genuine medical emergency.
Should you need assitance when the practice is closed, please telephone the surgery and the GP Collaborative will be able to help. Alternatively please call 111. Please do only call 999 in a genuine medical emergency.
To download and read the latest version of our newsletter click here.
On 26th April we will go live with our new clinical system called SystmOne. We will move from our old system EMIS Web . We hope this change will benefit all patients and staff to better manage healthcare.
What Do I Need To Do?
Patients are not required to do anything. We will transfer all your medical records from the old system to the new system. During this period of change please be patient with our team.
Online Services
All patients that are signed up to Patient Access will need to sign up (if you haven't already) with the NHS App to access your onlinemedical records. This is because Patient Access is linked to the old clinical system. You can sign up or access the NHS App by going to https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-app/
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. ALL appointments will be at Devonshire Green during this week.
Thank you.
Come along and join us on Devonshire Green for:
There will also be an opportunity to join in with activies such as:
So if you are free do come along!
At Hanover Medical Centre due to todays adverse weather conditions we have a very limited number of staff in working and this will reduce our capacity to take incoming calls, particularly at 8.30am or have both desks operating.
If you have a routine appointment with the Nurse or Health Care Assistant these are now CANCELLED. Please DO NOT attend.
Please only call if it is an urgent health issue and cannot wait.
Any prescription requests made today may not be processed until Monday morning.
We will keep you informed of any updates via text and on here.
Our apologies for any inconvenience.
Due to adverse weather condiditons the surgery will be closing at 3.00pm today 09.03.2023
Flu vaccinations are now available the surgery. If you are eligble to receive your flu vaccination, please either book online int he age appropriate appointment, or contact the practice to make an appointment. If you are unsure if you are eligible for vaccination please contact Reception.
We currently have two Practice Nurse vacancies; our availability of Nurse appointments is reduced because of this, and we ask for your patience until we recruit.
It is important that if you need Travel Vaccinations you book this appointment at least a month in advance.
Reception may offer you a Nurse appointment at the out of hours hub if you are able to get there, please do use the facility.
Thank you
Deirdre Malesa
Business Practice Manager
We have a new telephone system and a new message. Please do listen carefully to the options available to ensure that you select the correct option.
Option 1 to order repeat prescriptions call between 10.30 - 1pm each weekday.
Option 2 for referrals or hospital appointment queries.
Option 3 for queries regarding registrations, insurance, solicitors or any other reports.
Option 4 For GP/Nurse appointments, Reception and any other general enquires.